[fanacc] 120308 LG Optimus CF shooting

120308-LG filming with SJ (aka most unorganized fan account ever!! XD)
Almost didn’t go to the cf filming but nuna is awesome and let me go in her spot since she couldn’t make it. thank you nuna!!!

No one has any idea what we are doing at first…come to realize since we are filming a concert scene…we are jumping around and waving lightsticks for HOURS…

But anyway on with SJ. (these are snippets of what I remember…not in order!!)

General summary of the CF: In the CF, they cut Mr. Simple half way and Leeteuk says some lines. Something like “This concert is for a special someone…someone who came from far away…Where is that person??” and the boys look into the crowd trying to find the person. He points to the camera and says “There you are? Are you ready to get this started (omg, such a rough translation)?? Let’s Go!” and they play the rest of Mr. Simple. They changed the lines a few times but in general said the same thing. Director was nitpicky about the words and changed them a few times…poor Leeteuk who had to memorize it on the spot o.O

Leeteuk asked fans what time we arrived and if we had eaten. Leader forever taking care of fans : ) but later trolled us all!! He told the boys find your ideal type in the audience…then said “Ah…she’s not here” omg!! trolled so hard!! XD
All the boys were in a big circle chatting but Leeteuk was standing off to the left by himself…forever alone 😦
Kyu: sat on the stage piece (kind of like a long bench) and messed with his phone…later sat on the floor…and messed with his phone XD
During the speaking part of the CF, Leeteuk has a spot light on only him but in the later recordings the director tells staff to shine the light on some of the other members so he turns it to the left and right but I guess he doesn’t make it to Kyu so he says “Over here too -.-” I totally died!! XD
Hyuk was in good mood. Kept doing impersonations and dancing. He also did a little of the Kyocho Chicken dance. I think Siwon joined too!! where are you donghae?!?! Eunsihae!! hahaha. At one point Hyuk did a hip swivel thing…it was SEXY!! XD
Wook and Shindong were messing around and I thought they were wrestling at first but Wook was actually helping Shindong stretch?? maybe?? Wook stood infront of Shindong and bent over and pulled Shindong’s arm over his right shoulder…like the Judo move were you body slam someone..although I guess it’s also a stretching move?? I’m so confused!! But anyway they messed around a lot and Shindong did something and almost dropped Wook but caught him at the last second (wow that is so unorganized…I can’t even…hahaha XD) anyway…these two are cute together!! : )
Also after one of the breaks…the director wanted to shoot again but not everyone was on stage (this happened a few times actually XD) 1st (that I remember): Wook and Shindong were missing. People were calling for them. They walk on stage slowly side by side and they’re faces are like “Hello there” like they were just taking a stroll in a park…it was cute XD. 2nd: The director calls them to shoot and the fans are like “There’s a member missing. Yesung’s not here”..but they start recording anyway. So they record anyway but I notice Hyukjae looking backstage for Yesung. They stop recording and Yesung shows up and everyone’s like where were you. Kyu chimes in “Bathroom (evil grin)”
Poor Donghae must have been really cold. Whenever they stopped filming a coordi nuna appeared next to him with a long puffy coat : (
Sungmin walked around being cute basically XD After one of the breaks Sungmin walked on stage very slowly and he kept walking (from left to right) until he went off stage again. He walked back out (from right to left) and Leeteuk came out from the left and walked towards Sungmin. When they walked past each other they both looked at each other suspiciously (as if they were spies or something)…they circle each other then Leeteuk suddenly fake stabs Sungmin and runs away. Sungmin acts like he’s dying and drags himself back stage to the left. wow…so dramatic XD
So then more people join in the fake stabbing with I think Siwon fake stabbing Donghae??…so then Hyuk runs to them and tries to stab Siwon but Siwon stabs Hyuk instead XD omg…Eunsihae…*cries*
Sungmin and Hyuk also circle each other and stab each other at the same time!!…except Hyuk is like “nope…didn’t get stabbed” and walks away while Sungmin sinks to the ground and acts like he’s dying XD
So Sungmin and Hyuk did the thing were you face a person, you open your arms wide like you are going to hug someone but flap your arms like you are flying away from them (that make no sense XD) Anyway, Sungmin tried to do it with Siwon and Siwon just hugged him tightly instead…hahaha. Sungmin kept his arms open like “ew…let go :’(” hahaha…cute : )
K. That’s it (kind of). Leeteuk asked if anyone was going to SS4 in Tokyo and I was like “Me!!” he eyes went o.O! hahaha

Hyuk kept trying to avoid me but at some parts I caught him looking at me like “Is she still staring at me? o.O” Answer: Yes…yes I am XD

It was such a long/tiring filming but a nice experience. Leeteuk bought us cream puffs!! So delicious 🙂 and he kept asking us if we were tired and if we got water 🙂 When we had to jump and the boys weren’t performing some of them jumped along with us to encourage us…so sweet!!!

So that’s my fanaccount…there’s more but lazy fangirl is lazy….and it’s all over the place…but…yeah XD

oh and Prince manager and Eunhae manager were there!! and then stood next to each other…which made life easier because that way I could stare at both of them!!! gah!!! I missed them so much XD


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