[NEWS] 120313 Hangeng visits the less fortunate children in the mountain area of China while preparing for new album + solo concert


Hangeng went to Zan Huang County in Heibei province of China to visit the school which he donated money to, and brought stationaries and souvenir “Love·Life”clothes and hats for the kids.

Hangeng is the founder of his charity “Love·Life”, and he already visited Zan Huang County last year with his fans. When he knew that the school does not have a library, he asked the principal if for the perimission to build a library for the kids. This visit, he brought the first batch of books for the school library, named “Love·Life·Hangeng” Library. He promised he will countinue to visit the kids and bring more books for them. He also promised that he will bring them to watch his solo concert during summer break.

During lunch time, Hangeng had lunch together with the kids in the school, and happily spent time with them. He then left the school, and visited the homes of students. He asked their parents about their life, and said he is willing to pay for all of their educational needs, until they are adults. He said he wants everyone to go out and be a leader to help others, and also asks fans not to bother the kids.

Source: ent.163.com // 韩庚资讯台 @ Weibo
Trans by: Selena AllRise Silver @ Facebook
Shared by: Super Junior no.1
Reposted by @sapphir3bluu (worldwideelfs.wordpress.com)