[FULL TRANS] 160825 Beijing Youth Weekly Magazine – Hangeng Wants to Perform with Super Junior as 13

Q:  The fans are hoping for Super Junior to be together again. Is there a possibility for all 13 members to reunite for a performance?

A: I would like to as well. Just like last year, it was the 10th anniversary. I gave Mr. Long hyung a call and I called Leeteuk as well. I told him that it’s been 10 years and I would like everyone in Super Junior to release an EP together, and after this EP album is released, we’d do half a year of activities, not for anything else, other than to just commemorate that we’ve been together for 10 years. In the end, it didn’t happen because we couldn’t work out our schedules. This is also something that I have been regretting.

It’s been 10 years since I have debuted with the members, so I really wanted to do something. That’s why I wanted to do such an outrageous concert (of all 13 members coming back together). I went over to Korea over the new-year period and I had a meal with Heechul and some friends. During the dinner, I called Leeteuk and Kangin to tell them about my idea and everyone shared my thoughts of regrouping and doing the concert. We even told our managers and asked the company but they were too busy, which was a shame.

At the end of 2009, after debuting for 4 years in Korea, Hangeng returned to China after terminating his contract.

Hangeng’s contract with his previous company was declared null and void because of some “slave agreements.” Following the exposure of some of the unfair terms and conditions, Korea’s law on entertainment companies’ unfair contracts were reviewed and became strict. It is not an exaggeration to say that Hangeng’s lawsuit improved the law (regarding slave contracts in) Korea. Many celebrities got better treatment and were promoted well because of his lawsuit.

Hangeng rarely mentioned that matter (lawsuit) and also the group he was in previously, his bandmates, and his Korean friends. But on November 6, 2015, the 10th anniversary of of his debut, he posted pictures of him in his group (Super Junior).

Hangeng’s 10 years, from being SUPER JUNIOR’s Chinese member and Super Junior M’s leader Hankyung, to singer and actor Hangeng — those memories full of affections were awaken.

Time is like bitter medicine. It made us forget the pain, yet remember the beauty of yesteryears. Time-to-time, there will be photos of Hangeng and his past bandmates together. In one of his activities in China, Hangeng and Choi Siwon were on the same stage. They shook hands and hugged. The scene was just like that time when they appeared on <Happy Camp>.

As the 2 of them were the closest in the group, Hangeng and Kim Heechul’s friendship was always strong. From time-to-time their photos together will appear and it never failed to make fans excited for a long time.

Hangeng revealed in an interview that no matter what, he will be still be friends with his past group mates. He also mentioned that he tried hard to reunite with them for their 10th anniversary but nothing worked out in the end. We do not know whether fans will be able to see Super Junior as 13 again, but at least like his fans, Hangeng is also looking forward to that day.

Media: @晓慧重新开始新的生活
Translated by silverninefive and jovenatheart (http://worldwideelfs.com/)
Posted by sapphir3bluu (http://worldwideelfs.com/)

Please take out with full and proper credits. Thank you!

[TUTORIAL] How to Vote Super Junior-M for Global Chinese Music (Using weibo account)

Go to http://qr.cntv.cn/bsb

Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and you will see Super Junior-M.

Click on the “投票” button in the red box.


 A pop-up screen will appear. Click on the Weibo icon (in the red box) at the bottom to login.


 You will then be asked to enter your weibo Email Address and Password.


After logging in, you will see this screen again,

Click on the “投票” button on the right (in the red box).


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Repeat this again the next day. ^^

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Voting is conducted every week, from Monday 1am KST to Friday 1am KST

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130420 Zhoumi Weibo Update: Pray For Ya An (sichuan)

@周觅_SJM: #雅安不哭,雅安加油# 一下飞机就看到了雅安地震的消息,为雅安祈福[爱心传递][爱心传递][爱心传递]

[Trans @周觅_SJM]: #Ya An Don’t Cry, Ya An Fighting# Just came down the plane and I saw the news about the earthquake in Ya An, Pray for Ya An [爱心传递][爱心传递][爱心传递]


Chinese Translation by cmkish0w (http://worldwideelfs.com)

Take out with full and proper credits! Thank you!

130419 Zhou Mi weibo update: Members, see you all in South America!


Company said I became of legal age this year, so they sent somebody to bring me on the journey towards South America first! Setting off! Members, see you all in South America!


Translation by silverninefive (http://worldwideelfs.com)
Posted by sapphir3bluu (http://worldwideelfs.com)

Take out with full credits and proper credits! Thank you!


[130417] Zhoumi Weibo : I am Zhoumi!

[trans] i am zhoumi!! do you want to know what i’ve been busy with in taiwan for a week? [giggle] PIXNET entertainment has been following zhoumi around taiwan everyday and filming everything and a BTS special to share with everyone. [ultraman icon] http://t.cn/zTIgj5r [ultraman icon]

Trans by jovenatheart (http://worldwideelfs.com)

Take out with full credit. Thanks!

[compilation] 130416 Zhoumi weibo updates (2 updates)

(Zhoumi repost IF觅 weibo and wrote)

@周觅_SJM: 分享了很多心里话,希望每一个人都可以朝着梦想前进!周觅会继续加油的!
IF觅: 独家专访周觅:个人活动既兴奋又期待 http://t.cn/zTfpOJM (分享自 @56网)

[Trans @周觅_SJM]: have shared a lot of my heart felt words, hope that everyone can move forward towards their dreams! Zhoumi will continue to work hard!

[Trans IF觅]: Zhoumi’s exclusive interview : The excitement and anticipation for Solo promotions http://t.cn/zTfpOJM


@周觅_SJM: 知道我生日不在韩国至亲贴心的提前送我礼物@宋茜-fx–victoria 谢谢
[Trans @周觅_SJM]: knowing that I won’t be in Korea for my birthday my dearest friend gift me my present in advance @宋茜-fx–victoria thank you


Chinese Translation by cmkish0w (http://worldwideelfs.com)

Take out with full and proper credits! Thank you!